Thursday, November 17, 2011

My study skills and achievements during these past weeks

I started my college past 3 weeks .During these past days I got a chance to learn about many things which granted me the new experience.I got a chance  to make many friends  and shared a lot about of ideas with them.My first week in the college was good and was a new experience as it was the new thing which I was studying.Considering the days ,I spent exciting days in the college.
         Since,I started my bachelor studies in computing I was happy and excited to learn  here as I could learn different modules of the subject which were equally important and each provided different knowledges in the different relevant fields.During the college, sinceI was a bio student and I never thought that I would be a computing student.As ,now I have started my course I am gradually intrested on the subjects and  trying my best to lean about the things.
        As the scope of IT is over the whole world ,this subjects matters a lot in making our carrer and  future successful.I think I chose right subject to shape up my future successfully.During the past few days I achieved many things from the college  including new experiences,friends and a relevent knowledge which would be helpful in my studies.

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