Wednesday, December 21, 2011


It has been a long time the college has started.The past days in the college had  been interesting and there was a lot to learn.The college is now familier to me making each and every day of the college more interesting and exciting.
    With the past days knowledge and experience  we are in the week 7 where we are achieving more experiences of the subjects with the new topic to learn.As it has been a long time ,I find the days  different than it was before in the earlier weeks.The new topics,assignments and the works have made the shedule busy which was the great difference I felt in these days than the earlier ones.
       We had the first  class test during the weeks which was also the one of the achievement.There was a lot to learn about and had a totally new experience with the first test
       Further,the courses are going on more tough than it was before.The shedule had been busy with the assignments and thwe works we had had to do.
        The earlier days used to be quite simplified in the sense that there was no much pressure of the assignments but the new courses and chapters and assignments had made it more different than it was ever before.We had to face Tests during these weeks and we are having our group presentation to be done.The new works are being added  which makes evereday more exciting and different  during these days at the college.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Among the different faculties in our college ,Computing is one of the faculties in our college.Under which we learn different modules which includes Logic,Problem solving for IT,Introduction to programming,Study skills for computing.
                The core subjects in Logic is we study about the different set theory which includes the set related topics with the help of mathematical techniques.The other module i.e Problem solving for IT  includes different strategies used in problem solving  and helpful for the solving the problems which includes the use of algorithm and flowchart so that the problems can be solved systematically.
         Introduction to Programming includes programming in java Java is one of the popular programming language which provides the platform for writing different programs.The next module Study skills for computing is one of the subjects that helps for the development of the reflective learning with the help of personal development planning process and with maintaing our writing skills via reflective writing.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

My study skills and achievements during these past weeks

I started my college past 3 weeks .During these past days I got a chance to learn about many things which granted me the new experience.I got a chance  to make many friends  and shared a lot about of ideas with them.My first week in the college was good and was a new experience as it was the new thing which I was studying.Considering the days ,I spent exciting days in the college.
         Since,I started my bachelor studies in computing I was happy and excited to learn  here as I could learn different modules of the subject which were equally important and each provided different knowledges in the different relevant fields.During the college, sinceI was a bio student and I never thought that I would be a computing student.As ,now I have started my course I am gradually intrested on the subjects and  trying my best to lean about the things.
        As the scope of IT is over the whole world ,this subjects matters a lot in making our carrer and  future successful.I think I chose right subject to shape up my future successfully.During the past few days I achieved many things from the college  including new experiences,friends and a relevent knowledge which would be helpful in my studies.