Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The word confidence and arrogance come along with in order to represent one's character. Both the words deal with the acknowledgement of their abilities and their areas of strength. Confidence is regarded as the belief of the person in himself with the proper understanding of his power and areas of strength along with the weak areas which needs the improvement. Arrogant refers to the nature of the person who has the areas of strength but the superior nature of that person never gives him the chance to glance at his weak areas. Without the acceptance of his strength along with the weakness the person cannot achieve anything as the feeling of the confidence appears unless the person acknowledges and improves his weakness.
Confidence can be defined as the self assurance of the person with the belief in himself, his knowledge, and his abilities whereas the arrogance is the Offensive display of his superiority .As a fact the human nature always strives to be right and successful. Successful achievements are only placed on the way of Confidence not arrogance .The feeling of the neglecting others and granting unnecessary self importance to oneself never gives the straightway path to success. Being confident makes the person knowledgeable as it broadens the area of his knowledge as he behaves in a mannered way with the full respect to others view and ideas. But the person full of arrogance never listens to others views and always be attached with his own ideas ignoring others.
With the full faith and belief in our abilities we can gain the attitude of confidence which always makes our life successful .Thus, we can regard confidence as the attitude of the people who has the capability to understand the areas of their strength and weakness at the same time, whereas Arrogance defines the term which gives the virtue of unnecessary pride to the people who never wants to recognize his faults.
 Word Count: 320

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